Emergency Dentist
in Asheville
Dental emergencies can happen. We prioritize your care by extending our hours, adjusting appointments, and concentrating on relieving your pain.
What is a dental emergency?
Dental Trauma: If you lose a permanent tooth due to injury, it is a dental emergency. Dr. Swift advises gently rinsing the root, if it remains intact, and attempting to place it back into the socket immediately. If done within 30 minutes, the chances of preserving the tooth significantly increase. Alternatively, you can keep the tooth in saliva (like your cheek) or milk. Do not delay in seeking dental care for more than two hours.
Broken Tooth: A broken tooth can also qualify as a dental emergency. If you're in pain, contact our office. We will do our best to fit you into our schedule that day.
Dental Abscess: A dental abscess is a serious emergency that requires immediate attention. Untreated dental swellings can escalate into dangerous situations.
What to Expect.
Plan for at least a 30 minute visit. A proper evaluation will include an x-ray of the affected area and an examination to accurately identify the issue. Within this time, Dr. Swift will assess your dental condition and outline a clear plan to restore your comfort.
Call Us to Schedule an Emergency Appointment
If you feel you’re having a dental emergency, or even if you’re not sure, we encourage you to call us at 828 Dental today to set up an appointment. You can reach our Asheville, North Carolina office by calling us at (828) 505-3410.